Uncover Limiting Beliefs

Your beliefs hide your opinions about life, people, happiness, success, and much more. Your beliefs shape your thoughts, and therefore your life.

Our beliefs often get instilled when we are kids or from what we inherit from our culture, religion, or families. Our beliefs can be helpful or harmful, empowering or limiting. Our life experiences are formed by our thoughts, which come from our beliefs. Although beliefs are sometimes invisible or hard to detect, you can discover your beliefs by paying attention to your thoughts, listening to yourself talk, and observing your own behavior.

Beliefs Thoughts Words/Decisions/Actions Things (Life Experiences)

When you have a lot of negative thoughts, you have limiting beliefs. Your beliefs shape your thoughts, and therefore your life. How you see and respond to the world is filtered by your beliefs.

Imagine two people who are applying for the same job. One person believes they aren’t good at interviews and probably won’t get the job, while the other believes they are perfect for the job and will ace their interview.

How do you think each one will perform in their interview, even if they have similar experiences and skills? How will they prepare, act, dress, and answer questions based on their beliefs?

What you say to yourself matters. Our thoughts create our life experiences.

You can change your beliefs by changing your thoughts, words, and actions.

Download the Belief Matrix Worksheet here to uncover your limiting beliefs and install new, empowering ones.


Start Each Day with a Grateful Heart


Loving Self is the Solid Foundation Upon Which Everything is Built