Loving Self is the Solid Foundation Upon Which Everything is Built

The journey of discovery for your life begins with YOU; and it is an INSIDE JOB. One of the most foundational components that many times is overlooked is the need to love yourself first, before you can really “peel back the onion” of self-awareness. Why do you need to love self first? Because if you do not love yourself, unconditionally; it will be difficult to look in the mirror and see in totality who you really are (character, strengths, development areas, things that are not so becoming, blind spots, etc.) You may not feel comfortable looking in the mirror if you are not comfortable in your own skin, embracing who you are and loving yourself in the here and now.

It is easy to like and love yourself when you believe you are doing things that are “like or love worthy”. But, what happens when you do something that you are not necessarily proud of; or when you feel your capabilities fall short? How do you feel about yourself during those times? If you begin to judge yourself for mistakes made or feel uncomfortable because you have areas in your life that you need to grow, it will be difficult for you make the changes you need to make for your development. Stop creating a standard of perfectionism!

Love yourself right now because you are lovable! Know that you are human. Know that you are on a journey. Embrace all parts of you. When you can do this, you set yourself free to be able to conquer those things that are holding you back and you will be propelled forward.

Life is a mirror and it reflects to you what you see in yourself. What do you see when you look in the mirror? What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror? Your life is an expression of who you think you are. Let life love you. “Love yourself as much as you can and all of life will mirror this love back to you” (Louise Hay). Each morning as you look in your mirror say the following affirmation: "Good Morning (your name). I love you. Always remember that life loves you and wants the best for you. All is well”. (excerpt taken from “Life Loves You” Hay & Holden). See what significant transformations begin to occur for you in your life.


Uncover Limiting Beliefs